With dental implants, you can smile confidently and replace missing teeth without sacrificing certain foods in your diet. At Georgetown Advanced Dentistry in Washington, DC, Sinclair Davis, DDS, Diana Diaz, RDH, and the team surgically place dental implants and create custom restorations to attach to them. To learn more about dental implants and the placement procedure, call Georgetown Advanced Dentistry, or book an appointment online today.

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What are dental implants?

A dental implant is one of several options if you need to replace a missing tooth; it serves the same function as your natural tooth root. A single dental implant provides a sturdy foundation for a custom dental crown that is nearly identical to your original tooth. Dental implants can also serve as anchors for bridges or dentures.

The implant itself looks like a metal screw. It connects your new crown to your jawbone and holds it in place. It also provides support to the bone around it and prevents bone loss. Once the implant surgery and healing are complete, you can use your new tooth with the implant as you use your natural teeth.

What is the procedure for getting dental implants?

Getting dental implants takes about six to eight months in total, but it doesn’t disrupt your normal life. Before you start, you attend an evaluation at Georgetown Advanced Dentistry.

Your dentist takes information about your general health and health history before taking X-rays and other images to view your jawbone. They might tell you to get a sinus lift or bone graft to create a sturdy base in your jaw if your jawbone is weak or insufficient to support the dental implant.

Once your dentist decides the dental implant procedure is safe for you, they can start the implant process. During surgery, they make an incision in your gum and place the implant in the bone. For three to six months, your bone bonds with the titanium implant.

During the second appointment, your dentist uncovers the implant and attaches a post called an abutment. At this time, they also take impressions to use while making your custom crown, bridge, or denture. When ready, they attach the restoration permanently.

What are the benefits of getting dental implants?

Dental implants have many advantages over the other options of either keeping the gap in your smile or filling it with, for example, a dental bridge. A few reasons to consider dental implants include:

  • No dietary restrictions
  • Natural feeling
  • Natural-looking
  • No reliance on other teeth for support
  • Bone preservation

Dental implants also help you maintain your facial structure because they prevent bone loss and tooth migration into the gap. Having a dental implant supporting a crown or other restoration feels like having a natural tooth or teeth, and you don’t have to adjust your oral hygiene and maintenance routine to care for it.

Dental implants can give you a second chance at having a full smile. To find out if you’re a good candidate for dental implants, call Georgetown Advanced Dentistry, or book an appointment online today.